Equal opportunities policy


Response Recruitment Limited is committed to equal opportunities both in the provision of a service and as an employer. EQUALITY of opportunity for all sections of the community and workforce is an essential value for this company.

In an organisation like ours the workforce is at the heart of our commitment to service, quality and equal opportunity. The people who manage and provide the company’s services should reflect the diversity and variety of needs and preferences.

To achieve a high quality service we will do all we can to develop a committed and highly motivated workforce. This will involve excellent communications throughout our organisation, training and development for staff at all levels.

Everyone within Response Recruitment Limited has a responsibility to ensure that their service area reflects and develops the company’s equal opportunities policies. All quality standards will take into account this policy statement.

We need to show our commitment to equal opportunities in practice. This means fair selection which recruits people according to their ability to do the job and leads to a workforce which has a good cross section of people and reflects the make up of our local communities.

Response Recruitment Limited
An equal opportunity employer